Horse Judging
This program is open to all students who enjoy learning about horses. Students learn what to look for in confirmation and performance in many different breeds. They will also learn what good horsemanship is all about and how to critique different classes. For the older students who are confident in their skills and industry terminology there is the added challenge of reasons.
Reasons are given by the older 4-Her’s to explain why they placed the class of horses in a particular order. Giving reasons teaches the student to be certain of their decisions, to have a method to their placement process and to verbally present that reasoning in a timely and understandable manner.
The Moore County 4-H Horse Judging Team meets once to twice a month to practice for competition. During practice we may visit barns nearby that offer examples of horses that we will be judging. There is a wealth of information in this county regarding various breeds of horses. We are very grateful for their support of our program.
For students that want to learn even more about horses, or perhaps the students that own horses, we offer hippology. This is an opportunity to learn about the anatomy, physiology and health needs of horses. This training goes beyond the outer physical appearance of the horse into the biological functions that enable the physical processes.
For more information contact Alex Sparks at (931) 759-7163.