Lynchburg 4-H Clay Busters

One of our fastest growing programs, the trap team is a great place for young men and women to learn marksmanship, the safe and responsible way to use firearms and much more. Our certified adult coaches patiently work with each team member helping them improve their skills as an individual and as a team. While disguised as a whole lot of fun, shooting trap aids in the development of self-worth, conservation ethics and team work.
Our team practices once a week from February through September. We compete in various competitions throughout the season including the annual 4-H Shotgun Shoot in April. Practice and competition usually consist of four rounds of twenty-five shots. In trap the 4-Her is trying to bust one clay at a time, so a score in the upper teens or lower twenties per round is pretty good. In addition to the skills already named, Trap is an excellent way for our youth to earn scholarships toward college.
Trap is open to young men and women grades 6th and up.
A huge thank you to coach Kerry Syler, Scott and Tina Sisk, and the NRA for your dedication to the 2023 Moore County 4-H Shotgun program.
Archery Team
Beginning in 2013, Moore County 4-H will offer an after school Archery program. This program will be open to 4th through 12th grade, and you need not own a bow to participate. As with all 4-H programs safety will be our primary focus. Members will also learn the techniques needed to become skilled archers.
There will be two classes, Open and Genesis. The Open Class is for students who wish to compete with their own compound bow. The Genesis Class is for any student that would like to participate. The Genesis bows are very adaptable and can accommodate any level of strength and draw length.
For more information contact Alex Sparks, (931) 759-7163.
A huge thank you to Cynthia Cowan, Katie Hyrns, and Taylor’s Archery for your dedication to the 2023 Moore County 4-H Archery program.