Livestock Judging
Livestock Judging is open to any 4-Her that has an interest in livestock. It is not necessary to own an animal or to have any prior knowledge of livestock to be involved with this program. Livestock Judging teaches the principles and methods of evaluating market animals as well as production replacement stock. Students learn to judge; Beef Cattle, Meat Goats, Sheep and Hogs.
Students learn how to evaluate animals by studying live animals as well as by interactive practice with their teammates. There are visits to various farms to see examples of all species of varying breeds. When a student is confident with their level of knowledge they are asked to give reasons on their judging decisions. Giving reasons teaches the student to be certain of their decisions, to have a method to their placement process and to verbally present that reasoning in a timely and understandable manner. The Moore County 4-H Livestock Judging Team meets once to twice a month to practice for competition.
Livestock Skillathon contests go hand-in-hand with Livestock Judging and Livestock Showing. The Skillathon competition is based upon the student’s knowledge of the various livestock breeds and their particular requirements. To prepare for the Skillathon we study different breeds of all livestock as well as the feeds and feeding requirements, the equipment needed in running a production unit and market demands for each animal.
For more information contact Alex Sparks at (931) 759-7163.